Box Time
So mommy and me were sitting around and relaxing after playing a game of chase. Can you see my favorite hedgehog ball and the a small box I destroyed?
Then mommy asked me if I wanted to destroy a big box that has been lying around for a while. I as like, YOU BET, I LOVE DESTROYING BOXES.
You sure do love boxes, ever been trap in one? heheh!
Go Balboa, Go! I need to get me one of them boxes...that looks like SOOOOO much fun!
You look like you're doing much better now.
Lots of Licks, Ruby
You must be real strong to do that! I don't know if I could.
Fuzzy Face Sniffies
You look very satisfied in that last pic, Balboa. Nicely done. I hope I can be like you one day!
Puggy kisses
Hey Balbao I do that with boxes too. It is way fun isn't it?
Glad your life is back.
That looks like a box from one of our favorite!!! We love that place b/c nothing that comes in it is for Mommy or Daddy!!
In this house, it's all about US!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Destroy! DESTROY!!! Kill the box! Kill it! Heeeeeheeeeheeee... At least I know I'm not the only one in this world doing notty things in the house. I told you destroying is a lot of fun!
Love licks,
So9lid Gold Dancer
Wow, you're a serious bad ass! I'm impressed!!!
Wow Balboa! You're so strong to RIIIIIP them apart like that!!!
OMG I hate hate hate boxes they are so scary!!!!!!!!
Oh I wish I were there with you! We could rip them up together and have such a wonderful time destroying things!!! There wouldn't be anything left larger than the size of a quarter!
Hey there! I'm a new friend of Fig and Tadpole's! You'll have to show me how to rip up boxes like that!
That was awesome Balboa! You should definitely feel good about a job well done!
We salute you - excellet work !!
I love, love love to destoy things too but have never taken on such a big box !!
Hello (:
Destroying things are fun (:
*paws up* hehes
love flossy
I love to destroy boxes too and spread the pieces around the house. Glad you are back to normal.
Balboa! You are too fierce!
How I wish I could have a chance smashing these things like you too...Look at your satisfy look..I bet you are enjoy your destroying!!!! And did anyone tell you, you have a naughty and mischevious look and that mom and I love soooo much!!!!
Love licks
We think you are an expert box destroyer!
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