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Friday, April 18, 2008


Mommy is going through a tough time right now. I've been trying to make her feel better by licking her face and letting her scratch my butt.

I need a few days to help mommy feel better, we will start posting soon, I PROMISE!


Patience-please said...

We and our servant hope your Mommy feels better right away! We're sending all our best positive thoughts.

wags from the whippets

Peanut said...

Hope your mom feels better soon.

Duke said...

We hope your mom feels better soon, Balboa!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

woofies and burfs balboa, me sorrwy u mama not feels good..u take care of her and listen to her, us furkids iz the bestest medicine in da world...hope her gits better reall soon..

b safe,
bear and
angel lacylulu ;)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, I hope your mum feels better soon. J x

Petra said...

Just keep loving her back to good health, Balboa!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Balboa!
We really hope yourmom feels better soon!
Take care of her!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

We sure hope your Mom feels better soon, we will be here waiting dont worry!

Amber-Mae said...

Sorry to hear that Balboa. We sure hope she feels better soon...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Simba and Jazzi said...

Sorry to hear that. I bet the face licking is helping. Give her a lick from me.

Simba xxx

Mack said...

Oh no - please tell your mom we hope she gets to feeling better in no time.


Deanna said...

Poor mom - I'll send some boxer vibes in case your butt doesn;t do the trick.

the many Bs said...

it's okay to take time off when your mommy doesn't feel up to doing your blog. you just take good care of her and tell her that we hope she's better soon.


Asta said...

Mommi and I hope youw Mom feels bettew weally soon...we went thwough a wough patch too, so we know what it's like
smoochie kisss

Clover said...

Hi Balboa,
Sorry to hear about your mom. Sounds like you are doing a great job comforting her. I am sending some hugs and kisses for her too. Hope everything is well soon.
Love Clover xo

Nanette said...

As long as you don't mix up face licking and butt scratching, I am sure you are a big help.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I hope your mom is ok. Take care of her Balboa

~ Girl girl

Girasol said...

Take your time my friend. Keeping mom happy and well is more important.
licks & kisses,

Pippa said...

Sending you lots of good vibes over the pond.

Hope you're all ok.


Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We are sending good thoughts your Mom's way and hoping that things will start going better for her soon!
Ozzie, Rocky & their Mom

Sparky said...

We are sorry to hear that your mama is going through a bad time...we hope that she feels better soon, and knows that she is loved by two pups in NY as well. Give her a kissy for me and Patches, OK Balboa?

Stanley said...

Hey, Boober Boy!

Do whatever you have to to help your mama out, buddy. Whatever her bad time, please remind her that some goobs in GooberStan love her and are sending comforting goober smooches to help her feel a little better.

Come back whenever you can, man!

Goober love & more smooches,

Lenny said...

Hey Balboa! I hope your mommy feels better really soon. My mom tried to email her to feel better but the email got returned. Did your email change?

Your friend, Lenny