Thanks for all the well wishes for my mommy, she's starting to feel better. Everyone around her is having babies and she's having a hard time being strong. Mommy just doesn't like to tell people because they give her advice or tell her stories, that only makes her feel worse. A friend told her its okay to feel sad, its okay to mourn, its okay to treat me like her baby! I told mommy she can vent to me all she wants, I'll always listen and give her love big wet kisses.
I find that sleeping on mommy's legs makes her feel better. She asked me to cut out her face since she said it was her "I just woke up" face.
On Thursday we'll announce the winner of the caption game from two weeks ago and post another caption using a photo of Amber-Mae and Faith, it's a good one!
Mommy helped keep a doggie from running into the street. Sometimes we see this litte dude on our walks around the condo, he came walking near our street towards the woods. Mommy and I were chilling on the bench when all of a sudden we hear the woman scream and call the dude's name, mommy got up thinking the worst. We saw the doggie running away toward the middle of the road. Mommy and got down on her knees and called the doggie over in a playful voice and I got into a play stance. The doggie came right over to her. The woman was so happy mommy and I were there to help her catch her doggie. Mommy was happy the doggie came to her and didn't run towards the street. The woman said she always takes him off the leash and he never runs away until today. Mommy told daddy she would NEVER NEVER NEVER take me off the leash. I'm glad she doesn't, I might run away to play and get lost or meet a mean human.
Here's another picture of me......... sleeping of course! The stupid sunlight always moves, but sometimes it stops on the couch and if there's a pillow there............. AWESOME!!!!