Create A Caption Game
This week we're using a picture of my buddy Samantha from the Brat Pack, pre-pooping incident at their house.
Remember to check the sidebar for previous winners.
This week we're using a picture of my buddy Samantha from the Brat Pack, pre-pooping incident at their house.
Remember to check the sidebar for previous winners.
Posted by
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Labels: caption game
Posted by
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Labels: mommy, Thanks, x-mas cards
Mommy has had a hard time focusing on ANYTHING ELSE, so the Caption Game will be delayed just one more week and we are so sorry about not sending out the birthday card and gotcha day cards to all our friends. We are still waiting for my christmas pics to arrive, they are taking way too long to get here.
Posted by
Friday, December 05, 2008
Sorry I have not been posting, but everything is OKAY. In fact things are really good here right now, but I am not allowed to tell any of you yet what it is. Hopefully mommy will let me tell you real soon.
I have to get back to checking out my friends blogs and posting again.
We ordered the x-mas cards and will send them out as soon as we get them from CVS. This year's x-mas card is all about me!!!! We will email them to our "email only" friends very soon.
Posted by
Monday, December 01, 2008
Labels: blogging, good news, x-mas cards
So, remember that great squishy bed I had?
Well, I destroyed it. While mommy was ignoring me I got mad and attacked the bed with my strong jaws.
Posted by
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
Labels: bad boy, doggie blogs
This week we're using a picture of my buddy Charlie Daniels and his foster brother Xavier.
Remember to check the sidebar for previous winners.
My buddies Momo and Pinot gave me this super cool award, I am so honored
Frenchie Snorts
Posted by
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Labels: award, caption game
This week we're using a photo of my buddy Biggie-Z and his friend Bowie. I wonder what is going on?????
Remember to check the sidebar for previous winners and caption games.
Posted by
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Labels: caption game
Can you see me?
How about now?
Here I am! I like to sleep under the covers while mommy is getting ready for work. It's so cozy and comfy in mommy's part of the bed.
Why does mommy find this so funny???? What's so funny about a dog laying in the sunlight?
Posted by
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Posted by
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Labels: award, caption game
So mommy and daddy were off from work (yes another day). I am sooooo lucky!!!!!!
I like to spy on mommy and let her know I can see her.
Then out of no where, I jump up on the couch........
and demand to know what she is eating!
I know this bed is fluffy, comfy, and squishy, but sometimes the floor is comfy too!
Yes, it really is comfortable! You should try it mommy!
Mommy (with my help) updated the caption game award, so now it can be personalized. We can't wait for daddy to choose the winner this week so we can email the the winner the NEW AWARD!!!!!
Frenchie Snorts,
Mommy and daddy were off on Thursday, so we had a chillin' in our pajamas day. (Mommy and daddy had a wedding to attend yesterday so mommy is FINALLY posting this, I told you she was lazy!)
While they were relaxing, I made a few phones to tell people not to bother us, cause we were chilling.After I made all those calls, I deserved some sprite.
Mean mommy let me lick the can, but not have a sip. Isn't that rude?
We were having such a lazy day, that mommy fell asleep on the couch. I wanted to cuddle but she just kept sleeping..... what should I do????
Well, I woke her up, so she could cuddle with me. Isn't that what mommys are for?
Daddy got jealous, and wanted some Balboa lovin'. He gives good kisses.
So, I had to give my daddy some lovin' back.
see, no arms!!!!
Posted by
Saturday, October 11, 2008
This week we're using a photo of my buddies Suki Sumo and Mojo, wonder what they're doing???
Remember to check the sidebar for previous winners and caption games.
Posted by
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Labels: caption game
I'm clearly a boy dog, I have boy parts, I have a boy name, EVERYONE KNOWS I'M A BOY, so why would mommy buy me a pink toy???????
Can you see the pink elephant? Are elephants pink? I've never seen one, so I'm curious?
Not that I want to give it back, its squeaky and bouncy and I like playing with it, BUT I"M NOT A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!
I also got a new food stand, mommy said the old one was getting icky, she thought this fit in better with her "decor" what ever that is and is easier to clean. As long as I get food and water I don't care. My mommy took a picture of it without the food bowl, she does things backwards.
Do know what that is behind me, supposedly its an electric fireplace. All i know is that it blows out hot air, so I was sitting down infront of it to catch the heat. Why can't mommy put it on the couch so I could get a comfy seat and lots of heat?!?!?!?!?
So, mommy said she had some things to take care of, but I call it plain laziness!
Mommy and I missed everyone at DWB all so much, we started checking out everyone's blogs, one by one, its gonna take us along time to get to everyone's blog and see how you are all doing.
On Thursday, we will continue the Create a Caption game.
This week we're using a photo of my buddy Samantha, pre-pooping incident.
Click here to see previous games and winners | [+] |