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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Cards and Thanks!

It is so nice to get x-mas cards in the mail and email everyday from all my doggie friends. I just wish stupid Kodak would send my cards already. We ordered them on Nov 30th and they ARE STILL NOT HERE!!!!!!
This is what I think of Kodak!
Mommy is afraid they won't arrive to our friends in other countries in time for the Holidays. We can't even email the cards out till we get one in the mail to scan!

Next time we will order from a different place!!! Where do you all order your cards from??????


Thank you for all your wonderful and positive thoughts. Mommy and Daddy are just so happy that I will have a little human puppy to protect. Mommy is going to post the most current picture and all the previous pictures on her blog, if your interested.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh Balboa!!! We are thrilled for you and your parents!!!!(Mom had a bit of an accident or we would have been by sooner)
We are keeping y'all and your human pup in our prayers.
What could be a better Christmas gift????

Eduardo said...

I can't wait to see pics of the human-pup!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Joe Stains said...

We did ours through walgreens, they were ready in an hour!

Peanut said...

Stupid Kodak. At least your mom has ordered your cards. My mom hasn't even taken the picture for ours. Can you say lazy.

Lacy said...

w00f's Balboa, mama iz handmakin a lot of our cards...mext year she is gonna start heehee july..and of course we iz all interested in ur little biped..

b safe,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Balboa!
I hope Kodak send your cards soon!
I am sure you are going to be the best brother!
Kisses and hugs

Stanley said...


Don't worry about your card, bud. I personally like getting cards after Christmas. Just as long as it has your Frenchie face on it, I'll be happy!

Be sure to give your mama lots of extra snuggling.

Goober love,

Biggie-Z said...

Happy Christmas and New Year Balboa. At least your Mommy's trying to do cards. My Mommy couldn't even get her act together to sign up! And she doesn't have no excuse like making a human pup or anything!


Simba and Jazzi said...

How annoying your cards haven't arrived. You'll have to make them new year cards.

Simba x

Sharon said...

Hi Balboa! Bummer about your cards. We ordered ours from but ran out and had to send e-Cards to some people.

Happy Holidays!
S and D

Lenny said...

YES we are interested! But we still want pictures of you too. :)

Your friend, Lenny

Amici said...

Congratulations on the human sibling. :) That is so exciting!! I hope your parents are doing well.

Thank-you so much for the Christmas card. We love it! You made our day.

L said...

Thank you so much for the Christmas card. We love the picture of you licking your lips!

Amber-Mae said...

It's gonna be sooo exciting for you all when the baby arrives on Earth. Oh yeah!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

Sounds like you had a very exciting Christmas Balboa! We are so happy to hear that you are going to have a furless brother or sister! That is wonderful news!
Ozzie & Rocky

Anonymous said...

My own cards didn't come until last week which is WAY after the holidays. I was real disappointed. But I am going to send them out anyway.