Suki and her mommy tagged us, so I'm gonna let my mommy have this post all to herself, just this once..........
Hi, Karen here, I'm telling a lot but I never known when I might get to post on this blog again, Balboa is very secretive sometimes, I think it has something to do with Fig.
Interesting facts:
I'm a Special Ed high school reading specialist if I made any spelling errors sorry I'm off duty~wink wink~ My husband, Tony, is a night custodian for the middle school in town. I am also an adjunct professor for the education department where I got my BA and MA. This is my first summer off ever, no summer school for me!
I met my husband at WCC when I was 19 and he was 20. Wow those 12 years passed pretty quickly. 
We don't have kids but would love to have them someday, we are relying on fate. For right now Balboa will be any only child.
If you really want to know what Tony and I are like, just watch King of Queens. I'm not as thin as Carrie but that is ME only when Tony acts like Doug Heffernan, which is usually often. You know how men can be....... hee hee
*Drinking Sangria on my porch and eating sangria soaked peaches, apples, and pear ~hmmmm
*Eating a huge, I MEAN HUGE, bucket of popcorn at the movies
*Playing with Balboa or watching Balboa sleep - he's just soooo cute

Watching TV on the couch with my husband- we love Netflix
Cooking (my specialties are chicken parm, sausage and peppers, chicken soup or beef stew)
Adding another Vera Bradley-Java Blue bag to my collection
*Watching my plants and flowers grow
*When a Frenchie has found his/her forever family through the FBRN
*When a restaurant cooks food that is gluten free
*Getting a manicure and pedicure
*A really good cup of coffee
*Finding that perfect decoration or home decor item for my home
Things that make me MAD: IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER*When evil people hurt animals and children
*When friends and family tease me for allowing Balboa to have a blog
*When friends and family tease me for spoiling Balboa
*Being allergic to Gluten - missing out on lots of my favorite foods ~mainly pizza~
*Not having enough quarters to do laundry
*People who don't signal when making turns
I get so nervous and feel bad choosing only three people, so I'll let Balboa randomly pick three doggies and their families..
Balboa wants to tag Seadra and Zoe's family, Ike's family, and Goofy's family.
Karen again, I'm in trouble.... Balboa also wanted to tag Fig, he knows that Tad did such a great job interviewing Massah, but Fig may have things to tell ONLY if she wants to, plus he just wanted to tag Fig.