May 6, 2006
My sister and her fiance came up for a visit. Balboa had so much fun. He just kept jumping on them and trying to kiss their faces.
Balboa with his Aunt Janet
and Uncle Phil.

Balboa with his Aunt ************************************************************************************
I hate the local dog park. Some pet owners think they own the place. Really now, if your dog is going to snap at other dogs who want to play then do not bring them to the dog park. I can't even bring my Balboa to the dog park, because of one stupid owner and his dog.
Anyway, Frenchies prefer humans to dogs, at least nice humans, not stuck-up, jerky humans.
On Sunday, we gave Balboa his first bath. He was such a good boy and now his fur is bright white again. I placed him on the heating vent, one of his favorite places to sit, while he warmed up. I should have takne a picture, but we were giving him so much love and attention that we couldn't spare a moment to get the camera.
Since I can't bring my baby to the dog park for exercise, I have been walking him around our condo complex. It is so funny, when he sees a car he stops and checks out the humans inside the car. His ears pop straight up, he is such a cute sight, that people stop the car to check him out as well.