Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Pawsome facts about me AND other things
1. My first name was Ulysses, but daddy took one look at me and said I look like a Balboa.

11. When mommy cleans my ears or around my eyes, I HAVE to smell what she removed. It's an obsession I just CAN'T break. - Gross, I know.
12. Finally, I realized that I lay down very similar to my girlfriend Fig, check it out. Isn't awesome. You have to look real close to see my other leg, but it's there! We both lay down with one leg out and one leg under, but Fig is a lot cuter!

Anyway, I had a good time at Marta's Vineyard. I did miss mommy and daddy, but I got LOTS of attention. Mommy made sure that they added the TLC package on which gives me even more time with the staff.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Monday, May 28, 2007
I've been taged by Bella
I've been tagged by Bella to tell 7 Pawsome facts about myself. It's been a busy weekend, so I'll post on Tuesday.
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Monday, May 28, 2007
Labels: Tagged
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Being Silly
Before I get to the silly pics, mommy and daddy are going camping this weekend. I can't go so I'm a little upset, I always wanted to go camping. I begged my mommy to let me go with them. Mommy and daddy are scared that I might run away, since I don't come when called, I might run off to find something cool and then get lost.
So I'm going to Marta's Vineyard, I get my own room and lots of attention. I will miss my mommy, since I always have to be near her, so I might be a little scared and mad for a while. I just might not eat my food the whole time, or at least until I get really hungry. My parents are leaving on Friday and will pick me up on Sunday. Maybe next time I can go with them. I guess I should work on coming when called so they will feel safer about bringing me along. Well, maybe I'll think about it.
OH and most doggies think I look like Stitch. That's cool. He's funny, naughty and cute, JUST LIKE ME.
So, I've been tagged by Goofy to post silly pics of myself. Well, we had fun going through all my photos and picking the ones that were the silliest.

I was ripping apart a bag and making funny faces.

Mommy says I look like a sausage in this pic. She likes the fat rolls on my legs. That's not nice. I could point out her areas of fat, there are plenty, but I won't be that mean.
Now, I'm tagging..... Fig my sweety, Tad, and Sherman, Lola and Penny. I hope none of you have already been tagged. I wish I could tag everybody, I hate leaving people out.
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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Who do I look like?

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Labels: look a like
Friday, May 18, 2007
I've been busy....
1) I had so much fun on Mother's Day.

First I was a lilttle calmer then usual. I get really car sick and nervous, so mommy and daddy have to give me a Tranquilizer (don't worry its 1/2 a small pill). So I would have been a lot wilder, but I still had fun.
Before, we got to my mommy's parent's house we stopped by my Aunt Janet's fiance's house. I got to play with their dog Rocky. Mommy forgot to bring her camera, so there are no pics of Rocky and Balboa. Rocky is 1/2 huskie and 1/2 labrador. He's really cool loooking, he different shades of gray with blue eyes. We had so much fun playing, he kept jumping over me and I kept chasing him. Hopefully next time we visit Carol and Ray we can stop by and say hi to Rocky.
Then, we got to see Carol and Ray (my mommy's parents). Ray always plays with me and I like to sit on the couch with my butt on Carol.
Aunt Janet played out side with me. They have a fenced in yard, so I got to run around in the sun without having to be on the leash.

Mommy says she loves this picture of me having fun outside.

By the end of the day, I was so tired I couldn't even move. If Fig was there, we'd just cuddle, kiss, and sleep in the sun.

2) We had a really bad storm Wednesday night. Mommy got scared, she saw all these trees falling and cars swerving. She didn't think she was going to make it home. When she finally got home, she was soaked. She put up all these candles, got out the flashlights, and took food out of the fridge for us to eat (she didn't want open it later on if there was no power). She even put some sheets and pillows in the bathroom to get ready incase the worst happened. We don't have a basement, so we the bathroom is probably the safest place. Luckily we didn't lose power, but lots of people in our town did. Mommy keeps say how lucky she is that she arrived home safe and I was safe at home. Her worst fear was that something happened to me or if she couldn't get me (daddy was working nights).
3) Because of the storm the schools are closed (daddy's a night custodian) so, he didn't have to go to work Thursday night. But then he had to work today during the day. So I was home all alone today-that's sad. But then I got to play with mommy and daddy when they got home-so that's good. I LOVE WHEN MOMMY AND DADDY ARE HOME TOGETEHR, I HAVE SO MUCH FUN. I WISH MOMMY AND DADDY WERE HOME ALL DAY AND NIGHT. Mommy says if she and daddy didn't work they wouldn't be able to buy me toys, clothes, food, or even pay that stupid dog fee.
4) Mommy found out that Santino has found his forever family!!!! He was adopted bya family int Windsor, CT. Their family dog recently passed away. He fit right in and they just love him to pieces. Mommy, daddy, and me are very happy that Satino is happy!
Posted by
Friday, May 18, 2007
Labels: mother's day, Santino, storm, work
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Problems with computer
we've been having problems with our computer, so I couldn't check out anyone's blogs or post anything. We are getting back on track.
Hope everyone is doing fine.
As soon as mommy takes care of some business, then I can get back to my blog friends and girlfriend.
Posted by
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007
My girlfriend, Fig, sent me a package.
Look at all the cool things she sent me. I don't know why there is a line in the middle of the picture?
Me impatiently waiting to open the box.
Video of me destroying the box.
Look at the cool card I got. I'm not gonna share the special message I got from my girlfriend, a guy's gotta have some secrets. But I will tell you that I got some of Fig's hair. I have to keep it in a special place so I can always smell and treasure it.
After destroying the box I got to play with the giggle ball. It smells like Fig (now that I have her hair I know what she smells like) so I started kissing it.
Here's a video of me playing with the ball, my mommy is talking in the video and then the hits the wrong button just as she goes to say Fig's name. I can't get too mad at my mommy, since it's Mother's Day weekend.
Here's a butt shot of me while I'm playing with the ball, just for Fig.
Don't I look so handsome in the shirt Fig game me? I'm all excited, you can tell from my pink skin - it get's really bright when I get excited!
Incase you can't see, it says..... "Loved by a Boston Terrier". I think I need to lose a little weight though.
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Saturday, May 12, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007

Why I love my mommy
A Poem by Balboa
Mommy always gives me lots of hugs
She even gives me kissses after I eat bugs,
When I have a poop that's stuck on a string
She'll take care of it so when I walk it won't fling,
She makes me homemade food to fill my belly
This keeps my farts from being smelly,
Every morning she wipes the eye crud from my face
Every evening I sleep in her bed, it's my special place,
Even when she's tired she still plays with me
I even get lots of cool clothes and toys, too bad they're not free,
One of my favorite treats is the kong filled with peanut butter
My mom is the best, no one is better!,
She is always taking pictures of me
I JUST LOVE MY MOMMY, can't you see.
Posted by
Friday, May 11, 2007
Labels: mother's day, poem
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
You've been tagged
Since I've been tagged by Tad AND since Fig posted a pic just for me.... I found a picture that fits both of my needs.
Believe it or not, with all the pics mommy takes of me, this is the only one of me upside down?!?!?! PLUS, It's very similar to Fig's pic. Mommy said not to put this up since there are little kids looking at the blog and people might be offended, but aren't I so handsome!
Now I tag...... Amber Mae, Ike, and Jainie.........I hope you all haven't been tagged already........ SO ..... YOU'RE IT!!!!!!
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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Box Time

Then mommy asked me if I wanted to destroy a big box that has been lying around for a while. I as like, YOU BET, I LOVE DESTROYING BOXES.
This is what the box looked like after I got a hold of it! Pretty cool, huh!
Can you tell how much fun I'm having. I don't like to share my boxes with anyone, but if Fig were here, I let her help me! wink, wink, smooch, smooch,

I feel pretty good about my box destruction.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007
Back to Normal

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Thursday, May 03, 2007
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Very Sad Day
Hi this is Balboa's mommy, Karen.
I am crying so much that it is difficult to type, but I know I am doing the right thing for both boys.
It seems that Balboa has been traumatized by Santino. Santino has been attacking and hurting Balboa to the point that he running and hiding from Santino, refusing to eat or drink, or look at me. The vet says he is depressed. It is in both Balboa's and Santino's best interest that I find another home for Santino. The vet assured me that Balboa will be fine as soon as things return to their normal routine.
I called the Boston Terrier Rescue Club of CT. They have assured me that Santino will be placed in a loving foster home until a suitable and forever home can be found for him. When he is adopted I will be notified. Santino and I will be meeting the foster mother today, I will bring his crate, food, treats, toys, and beds.
Santino is a lovely, affectionate, beautiful little boy. I know that this rescue group will help find him a mommy and daddy who will give him the life that he deserves.
My husband and I have learned a lesson. We now understand Balboa's need to possibly be the only dog. If we were to adopt in the future, we would make sure that we have home numerous visits in which the two dogs can meet and approve of each other.
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Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Labels: only dog