So, mommy said she had some things to take care of, but I call it plain laziness!
This is what I think of my lazy mommy.
Mommy and daddy are very happy and healthy, (
just lazy). Mommy is feeling better and is surrounding herself with positive people whom she can be herself around. I think my mommy is a lot happier, and daddy is happy that mommy is happy.
So, what have I been up to, well, right now I am on leaf duty. Those damn evil leaves are back and they're everywhere. They need to be destroyed. I try to kill and eat each one of them, but as soon as I turn around there are more jumping around!!!!!! What am I gonna do?
This is what I think of evil leaves.

Here are some pictures of attack on the leaves.

Since I haven't been able to post for a long time, I'm going to show you some other pics of me!!!!!!! This is me eating every single crumb of my cookie.

This is me bringing my toy back to mommy so we can play tug.

Hee is my eating my peanut butter from my bone.

Mommy and I missed everyone at DWB all so much, we started checking out everyone's blogs, one by one, its gonna take us along time to get to everyone's blog and see how you are all doing.
On Thursday, we will continue the Create a Caption game.