I got a surpise package in the mail from Dory the Lab.

I wonder what's inside? ............................................ A hedgehog pull toy, that squeaks.

AND .............. an award.

Dory created a special award for those who participated in the DWB card exchange, she picked all the names out of a hat and guess whose name she picked................................ ME
I just love my toy!!!!!!!

Here's a video of me playing with my hedgehog pull toy. I am apologizing for my mom's high squeaking voice, I know its ANNOYING and I'm sorry!
Plus, I forgot to mention the box that the toy and award came in, well you all know what I love to do with boxes........... hee hee
I got tagged by Rowan to list six things about myself
Link to the person that tagged you
Post the rules on your blog.
Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself.
Tag six people and at the end of your post, link to their blogs.
Let each person know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
I got tagged by Bentley & Niko to list 7 weird things about myself
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
Let each dog know they have been tagged by leaving a notification on their blog.
So, I'm gonna combine the two
1. When I sleep in my mommy and daddy's bed, I get up numerous times during the night and put my nose right next to mommys and wake her up to let her know I want to go under the cover, sometimes I scare her, hee hee.
2. I like to sneak into the bathroom garbage and chew on the tissues with boogies, they are just so delicious.
3. I like to be chased around the house while I carry a toy in my mouth. Its so much fun.
4. When mommy is on the computer too long I stand up and put try to pull her hands away from the keyboard to get her to play or cuddle with me.
5. When its time for bed at night, I sometimes run away from mommy cause I don't want to go to bed, OTHER times I will run right into the bedroom if I know I'm gonna get a treat.
6. I'm selfish when it comes to my toys, I CAN'T HELP IT. If I see mommy's hand going toward one of my toys I run to get it away from her then go back to the toy I was playing with!
7. I like to sleep on mommy's lap while she watches TV, and if both mommy and daddy are on the couch I like to sleep while touching both of them.
SO, Now I'm gonna tag the following doggies, you can choose either
the six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself tag
the 7 weird things about yourself tag.
If you've been tagged already sorry, only play if you want to.
My girlfriend Fig
Ozzie & Rocky
AND anyone else who wants to play!!!!!!