Since we can't meet I created a picture of how cute we would look together.

If we met I'd let you sleep on my bed, chew my toys, share my snacks, let you drink out of the water bowl first, and give you lots of kisses.
Since we can't meet I created a picture of how cute we would look together.
If we met I'd let you sleep on my bed, chew my toys, share my snacks, let you drink out of the water bowl first, and give you lots of kisses.
Posted by
Monday, April 30, 2007
There is something wrong with Santino, I thought he would be normal. I think he needs to be put on medication.
The following list is in order (#1 is most annoying, #6 is least annoying but still needs to stop)
1) He keeps biting and pulling at my neck and lips
2) He keeps mounting me.
3) He keeps trying to eat my food and treats.
4) He wants to play with toys that I want, he just got to them first. (I try to take them away, and then he goes to bite me)
5) I try to play with him, but then he repeats #'s 1 & 2 all over again.
Mommy and daddy keep saying that he is only three months old and will eventually understand when I say no, or stop playing, or that's mine. They stop him from biting, but then he comes back and does it all over again. They also say that I have to continue telling him that I don't want to be mounted, I do BUT HE DOESN'T LISTEN!!!!!!!
They say I bit a lot when I was younger and it took me months to hold it in all night. They say that I was peeing all over the house and chewing all their good furniture and clothes. I think they're lying and just saying that so I'll be nice to Santino. Eventually I'm going to hurt him. Eventually it's gonna be me or him.
Any advice?
Posted by
Monday, April 30, 2007
Posted by
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Labels: Santino
I wish it was tomorrow morning now, I can't wait to meet Santino, I just hope he likes me. I'm happy but nervous too, I hope I make a good big brother. I'm thinking about all the things I have to teach Santino.
Joe Stains asked me about that blue thing daddy and I were using to play tag. Mommy found it in the grocery store down the pet isle. It is a soft rubber dumbell that has a low squeak (it used to be really loud but I killed it). She doesn't remember the name, but when she goes shopping she'll see if there's any more so she can give the information.
Mommy finally bought me a cuz, and she got me a big one to make up for taking so long to get it. She bought Santino one too, I let him have the green one, because that's what big brothers do. Can you see some carrot chunks on the floor? Little pieces fall out of my mouth when I eat. Mommy tries to make me eat them, but I like watching her pick them up! hee hee
Everytime mommy throws one of my toys, I run to get it and I always move the rug when. Mommy is constantly moving back to where she wants it, why doesn't she just buy the liner so it won't move? Mommy is so silly sometimes!
Posted by
Friday, April 27, 2007
Most importatnly, how to find the best spot in bed and cuddle with mommy.
Posted by
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Labels: big brother
Posted by
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Thanks for all your support with that scarey dog walker. Mommy e-mailed them and left a phone message, but she has heard nothing. That makes mommy even madder.
Anyway, we had fun this weekend.
Posted by
Monday, April 23, 2007
First, the scarey thing.... I was so scared today, daddy is working days this week, so mommy had the dog walker come during the day (since they are both at work). My usual walker did not come, AND the person who came did not come till 3:30 (they were supposed to come about 12:30-1:00). He didn't know how to put on my harnass and took me out by wrapping the leash around my neck and I didn't have my tags incase I ran away because I was sooooo scared. I just wanted to go home, luckily mommy and daddy came home at the same time the man was bringing me back in the house. I knew from mommy's face she was mad. At first I thought she was mad at me, but she gave me lots of hugs and kisses. Daddy carried me right in and we sent an e-mail to the owner. Daddy thinks maybe because this person is new he didn't have mommy's number to call and say he would be late, so mommy could call a neighbor to let me out. When mommy gets mad she really gets mad, more mad than when I pee on the floor or chew a pillow, I mean really mad. She says its because she loves me very much and wants to protect me from all the bad things in the world. Daddy gave me lots of hugs and kisses. I feel much safer now that they are home.
Now the venting..... My mommy has been trying to adopt a brother or sister for me. But nothing has worked out. She is so sad, she wants to adopt a Frenchie or Boston (so we will have similar breathing and exercise issues??? I don't know what she is talking about.) Anyway nothing has worked out. I would love a brother or sister too, so we can play together all the time, give each other kisses, destroy boxes and socks together, and keep eachother company when mommy and daddy go to work. Daddy says when its meant to be it will happen, but mommy and I want a sibling NOW! So mommy will keep trying to adopt another furry child, and hopefully I won't be an only child to much longer.
(this was written up yesterday, but I had to add the scary and venting part)
Now the Recipe.....
My mommy has been making my food at home. She did a lot of research and was given a recipe that included all the nutrients that I need. I'll let my mommy explain the recipe.
Hi Balboa's mommy here. This is the recipe I make for Balboa. Since eating this food (about three weeks now) there have been no side effects, the stinkiness of his gas has significantly decreased.
I also have stopped buying any store bought treats. For snacks or rewards Balboa gets carrots, apples, pears, bananas, cheese, peanut butter, strawberries, and bluberries. He loves eating healthy and I feel better about what I am feeding him.
To keep his teeth and gums healthy, I do feed him Old mother Hubbard mixed puppy biscuits.
Please check with your vet before trying this recipe. I already spoke to Balboa's vet.
5 lbs ground beef or mixed with ground turkey (raw)
1 1/2 lbs carrots (raw)
5-6 potatoes (not the big baking potatoes!)
1 1/2 cups brown rice (already cooked)
1/2 cup lentils or beans (canned)
1 1/2 cups fat free plain yogurt
2 cup natural applesauce
3 eggs
15 oz canned pumpkin
Put eggs, carrots, potatoes, beans, and pumpkin in blender. Mix blended ingredients with beef, rice, yogurt, and applesauce. I cook the food in two pans 350 degrees for about 1/2 hour- check to make sure meat is cooked.
Posted by
Friday, April 20, 2007
Labels: dog walker, recipe, scared, sibling, venting
Continuing with Lola, Sherman, and Penny's awesome idea "where did you get your name?'..... So Daddy was going to name me Vito, but someone else picked that name for their doggie. Mommy said how about Bambino, but someone else chose a very similar name for their dog. So then daddy decided on Balboa, he though such a big and tough name would be perfect for me. They say I have lived up to the name. I try, why do you think I'm always destroying toys and boxes??????
Mommy says I look like Rocky Balboa when I wear my hoodie. What do you think? I think I could take on Rocky Balboa.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Labels: name
Posted by
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Posted by
Friday, April 13, 2007
Labels: modeling
Mommy had to go back to work this week. It's not fair, why can't mommy stay home with me all day. I get to see her when she gets home, but I love playing with her all day and night. Mommy said if she doesn't go to work then she can't buy me all those great toys, delicious food, and cool clothes, oh and pay for that stupid dog fee our condo makes us pay. I think while mommy is at work I'm gonna pee on all their cars, but first I have to find out how to get out of the house without daddy seeing me. Anyway, the weekend's almost here, and that's when I get mommy and daddy all to myself. Yeah!
Oh, I had a great Easter. My mommy and daddy's parents came up. I got lots of attention. After a while I just wanted to sleep, but they kept wanting to play and play and play. Don't they ever get tired?!?!?!?
Posted by
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Labels: dog fine, easter, parents working
Posted by
Saturday, April 07, 2007
First of all....
Mommy was talking to daddy this morning and kept ignorning me so I got angry. She saw me chewing on my bed and got mad. She said I was lookin' to be bad. Just because I got into the bathroom garbage, grabbed papers out of the closet, and chewed my bed. Well maybe she shouldn't have ignored me. Maybe mommy is lookin' to mean.
Mommy tricked me into going to the vet by saying I was going to play. Well she lied, I had to get four shots. I was scared and it hurt a little, but I was very brave. I didn't cry or try to run away. Mommy kept saying I was brave and how much she loved me. If she loves me why did she stand there and let me get four shots. If she really loved me she would have gotten some shots too.
I'm going to ignore mommy. If she calls me I'm going to walk the other way. If she wants hugs or kisses I'm not gonna give them. If she wants to give me treats, I'll starve, just to prove a point. That'll teach her a lesson............. Well, maybe I'll take the treats and run.
Posted by
Thursday, April 05, 2007
I am so happy mommy's home this week. We played lots of games and went for a walk.
Daddy and mommy are trying to get ready for Easter. Since they repainted and made some improvments, they want to have Easter at our house. I think it's great, because I can show off all my toys and play with lots of people.
As mommy and daddy were cleaning up, I got to help by ripping boxes to shreds. I love destroying boxes. It's so much fun. I almost knocked mommy over when I was destroying the box, I get so into what I'm doing that I don't focus on anything else.
Posted by
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Labels: cleaning, destruction
This weekend was fun. Both mommy and daddy are home. I love when they are home together and I can play with them at the same time. Plus I get extra hugs and kisses. We watch movies on the couch at night, all cuddled up together. It feels so nice.
There is good news, though, mommy is on vacation this week, but daddy still has to work. But they will both be home during the day. HOOOOORRRAAAAAY!
My mommy's parents came up this weekend too, but we're not allowed to call them grandma and grandpa. That makes me sad, I know it makes mommy sad too. Mommy says they're too uptight and need to relax. Daddy's parents don't mind, in fact Grandma Lorraine loves to be called Grandma, she gives me tons of hugs and kisses, and lets me sleep on her couch.
I love playing sock monster with mommy.
Daddy and me playing tug with one of my toys. It's from Christmas, I keep trying, but I can't destroy it. Any tips?
Giving my daddy goodnight kisses, I love sleeping on his belly.
Posted by
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Labels: weekend
This week we're using a photo of my buddy Samantha, pre-pooping incident.
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