Create a Caption Game
This week we're using a picture of Bernard and his friends Dash and Cippo taken earlier in the year.

I am glad we decided to let Daddy pick the winner each week, boy it was a hard decision for daddy~they're all so good! I would not AND could not choose between my friends.
Daddy doesn't know any of the doggies so he doesn't feel bad choosing only one dog, he just reads the captions and chooses the best one, in his opinion. Mommy and me think they're all great.
Remember to check the sidebar each week to see previous caption games and the winners.
One of these things is not like the other ones!
ps. I left you something on my blog, Boober!
Darn it...Wally took what I wanted to say!!!
OK, let me try another...
Cippo: shhhh Dash, don't say anything, but do you think Bernard gained a few pounds?
Are you sure this is the best spot to watch the game??
Cippo to Dash: "What do you suppose happened to Bernard's snout? Do you think he ran into a wall or something?"
Other doggies to Bernard: "Yeah, so this is where we went to fix our nose, it's all sharp and pretty now" hee hee
~ Girl girl
Bernard: so if I stretch like that I can have long thin legs and be tall like you?
uhh..uhh.. it isnt working!
Right are we all clear? On the count of three we run into the kitchen, Bernard, dash you over power the humnas, I'll grab the treats.
Simba x
Bernard: "I just have a feeling that somedoggie here doesn't fit in this group..."
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
"I think this couch is comfy-er than the last one we tried. Would it match our other furniture?"
Balboa, I voted for your website! Sorry I've been away awhile but I'm catching up. Hope you win!
Your friend, Lenny
"So have you guys heard this one? A Frenchie walks into a bar..."
"So what is our game plan? What kinda stuff does your mommi hide in the friege, Balboa?"
"Hey,hold on! How do we open the fridge?!?"
Momo xoxo
hey, just snorting through your blog, but it all looks the bestest fun ever!
snorting licks, Marvin frae Scotland xxxxx
Man Wally, you are on it! That is what I was gonna say too!
Bernard: "I ask for a belly rub and you guys take the bag of bread"
Bernard: "Dude, that is one stinky fart"
Dash: "Aw, man...gross!"
Cippo: "He who smelt it dealt it, man!"
I tagged you, Bernard! :) Check it out whenever you have time.
Puggy kisses
Here's my pitiful attempt.
Cippo: "Dude! Check out Balboa. He's got it bad for Fig. The dog is REALLY jonesin'."
Love you Boober,
I didn't bring the treats, I thought YOU brought the treats...
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