Create a Caption Game
This week we're using a me and Carol (my mommy's mom). We've been so busy we haven't had a chance to check our friends blogs for funny pictures. Actually it's my mommy's fault, she's been putting her job before helping me with the blog ~ HOW RUDE!

I am glad we decided to let Daddy pick the winner each week, boy it was a hard decision for daddy~they're all so good! I would not AND could not choose between my friends. Daddy doesn't know any of the doggies so he doesn't feel bad choosing only one dog, he just reads the captions and chooses the best one, in his opinion. Mommy and me think they're all great.
Remember to check the sidebar each week to see previous caption games and the winners.
Hey Balboa...
Woot!!! I won, I won!!! Tell Daddy thanks for picking me! Woot!!!
So, don't pick on your Mom because we want to see Balboa pictures too!!! So here is my entry...
Grandma: Balboa, this is NOT what I had in mind when I said we needed to 'rest between sets'.
I told you that is too heavy for you.. You just won't listen.. Now you'll understand what's the meaning of ignoring ppl's advice...
The mean lady did nothing to save the poor dog from been eaten alive by the killer cushions.
Simba xx
Congrats to Ruby! man, I'm kinda lousy with this game...hehe! I can't think of anything good. But anyway, here's me giving it a try again:
"Balboa was so depressed becoz the toy's squeaker no longer squeaked"
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
"exhausted by the intense jaw work-out, the frenchie took a nap while the human kept watch over him."
hee! coco
"Oh, Quit your poutin' Balboa. Fig will still love you even if you can't lift that 1000 lb dumbbell"
oh Balboa, i can't think of anything this week. I feel like I am stooopid. :( :(
Momo xoxo
Hi, Balboa.
I just want to say Hello this time, because I am lost with this one!
Carol: "Balboa, you can't be exhausted already!! You barely lifted that thing 2 times. The Army will never take you."
For the last time lady, I am done balancing this toy on my head for the night! geez!
Oh good to see you back Balboa. This caption game is fun...
"I dont like those Weights! They're too light for a manly dog like me!"
~ Girl girl
Grandma: Be a baby if you want, but you'll never buff up by pouting.
Balboa: *SIGH* I'll never lose that last 2 ounces of puppy fat...
Goob love,
Ok, Balboa. I don't know if I'm breaking the rules here, but I thought of another entry. Disqualify me if you must.
Grandma: I TOLD you I'd get you the BEST pawsonal trainer.
Balboa: But I can't STAND that Richard Simmons and I'M NOT WORKIN' WITH THAT FREAK!!
(Sorry to any Richard Simmons fans out there).
Goober love,
WOW!! This looks like such fun! And I just discovered it! What a doofus I am!!
Koobuss Kisses,
Grandma never realized just how hardcore Balboa was...
We think this weeks caption should be...
"Balboa, as your psychotherapist I have to remind you that eye contact is essential to recovering from post broken toy stress disorder!"
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