Create a Caption Game
For this week we're using a pic of Duke and Gidget . We have so much fun looking for interesting and funny photos of our DWB friends.

I am glad we decided to let Daddy pick the winner each week, boy it was a hard decision for daddy~they're all so good! I would not AND could not choose between my friends. Daddy doesn't know any of the doggies so he doesn't feel bad choosing only one dog, he just reads the captions and chooses the best one, in his opinion. Mommy and me think they're all great.
Remember to check the sidebar each week to see previous caption games and the winners.
Damn, did you swallow your ball?!
Oh my Dog! Where did the rest of your tongue go?!?!
Dang it Duke, did you make that horrible smell again? Boys are SO gross!
Gidget: Did you just fart while we are attacked by the flashy thing?
Duke: I can't help it. Cameras make me nervous..
Duke (Groom): I do... n't know...
Gidget (Bride, through clenched teeth): You are SO going to geddit...
Oh this is so fun. And I won last week's caption Yeah.. ok my try for this week is..
Duke: I'm bringing sexy back...
Gidget: what! no way..
~ Girl girl
Duke "MOM! Gidget just made pee pee on the rug!!"
Gidget "Snitch!"
Duke: MOM!! She's doing it again. She's staring at me. Make her STOP!! Why does she always have to do that? Just to get on my nerves. Make her STOP, make her STOP!!!
Duke: OK, so, we were walking through the woods and there was the big GIANT monster. I was so brave that I protected my Gidget from harm.
Gidget: Oh, really? So why did you hide behind the tree. Mom, it was just this teeny weeny bunny.
For obvious reasons, we aren't going to play this week. But we just wanna say that all these entries are so funny! Good luck picking a winner Balboa's Daddy!
~Pug Hugs~
Duke & Gidget
Duke: Mom, Gidget is bothering me!!
Gidget: Meee??
I heard that!
Duke: Mom! Guess who I saw Gidget kissing last night!!!
Gidget: *shocked* "You wouldn't!"
what is that smell? Is that you?
Simba x
Duke: Mommi...... I need more foooood. I'm gonna die if you don't feed me.
Gidget: You just ate!
Momo xoxo
Darn it anyway. I keep missing all of these. Okay, I'm thinking, I'm thinking.
Oh, I haven't thought of one yet, but I can't stop laughing at Toffee's! Ha!!!
I'm with Fig. Gonna have to think on this one and come back... with my A game.
Goob love,
How dare you??? I didn't take the cake on the table, u did it!!!
hey dude, look @ d camera...
Are you sure he's not from some other planet???
"Duke, don't try to look cute! Becoz you're not...Trust me."
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
"I've never seen this guy in my whole life, Officer."
of course you can use our photo. here is our entry for this photo:
"How does he get that deep, tropical Tan? I am so jealous!"
Duke: "So you're telling me this is a *TAN* tie event???"
Gidget: "See! I *TOLD* you you were overdressed, man."
Goob love,
Hey Balboa! Your game sure is popular ;)
Duke: I can see it! I can almost see it...wait...yeah...oh, man! I lost it again!
Gidget: Duke, that's not one of those 3-D pictures. It's the wall.
Gidget: "OH NO - You didn't"
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